Traditional gluten, lactose and sugar-free sponge cake with maltitol sweetener


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Traditional gluten, lactose and sugar-free sponge cake with maltitol sweetener

Traditional gluten, lactose and sugar-free sponge cake with maltitol sweetener
Home . Products . Gluten-Free

Traditional gluten, lactose and sugar-free sponge cake with maltitol sweetener

Sugar-free traditional sponge cake with maltitol sweetener, gluten-free, lactose-free, without milk protein or maize flour. This light, smooth traditional sponge cake prepared without sugar has less calories. Certified by the Coeliac Association of Catalonia; member of AOECS.

  • Corn free
  • Palm oil free
  • Sugar and added sugars free
  • Made with fresh eggs 
  • Slowly backed 
  • High fluffiness and flavor
  • Tender texture 
  • Contains vegetable fibers and psyllium husk 


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1/2 business days

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purchases over €25

What makes the difference
Our origin lies in the most home-made and familiar production, which has undoubtedly marked us since then by maintaining a strong personal commitment to giving the best to all those who choose us.
La Granja Foods gluten-free products Gluten-free products in the market
 width=Without Lactose  width=With lactose
 width=Without corn  width=With corn starch
 width=Without palm oil  width=With palm oil
 width=Made with high oleic sunflower oil  width=Made with lower quality oils
 width=Made with fresh egg  width=Made with pasteurized egg
 width=Made with brown whole cane sugar  width=Made with lower quality sugars
 width=Tender, fluffy and great flavor  width=No fluffiness and very neutral flavors
 width=Slowly baked, productivity doesn’t matter, but the result  width=Fast bakes to be more productive

Gama Sin Gluten

En la línea sin gluten y sin lactosa de La Granja utilizamos únicamente ingredientes libres de gluten y aseguramos su no-contaminación en todo el proceso, desde una producción separada del resto. Certificados por la Asociación de Celíacos de Catalunya, miembro de la AOECS. La Granja somos una empresa familiar nacida en 1959. Desde el primer día, elaborar los productos lo mejor que sabemos y asegurar un gran sabor ha sido para nosotros un valor irrenunciable. Fue así con las primeras especialidades tradicionales que nos dieron a conocer y lo ha seguido siendo a lo largo de nuestra trayectoria, al incorporar contínuamente novedades en nuestra gama. Avanzarnos a las necesidades y deseos de los consumidores nos ha convertido en un referente de calidad e innovación en nuestro sector de productos de alimentación. En los años 80 La Granja fue pionera al crear especialidades atendiendo a distintas necesidades dietéticas, que hoy forman parte de nuestra gama Diet. Más tarde lanzamos la gama Bio, que utiliza solo ingredientes de la agricultura ecológica. Han seguido la gama Vegan para un consumo estrictamente vegano y la producción separada de la gama de productos Sin Gluten. Por nuestro compromiso de calidad, en La Granja nos imponemos entregar producto fresco y ello sólo puede lograrse elaborándolo cada día. Para nosotros no tiene sentido seleccionar los mejores ingredientes para que, una vez producido, el producto no se distribuya de inmediato perdiendo cualidades. Ante el dilema entre mayor calidad o mayor productividad, en La Granja prima siempre el interés de nuestros consumidores. Además de elaborar los productos tradicionales que alumbraron nuestros inicios, una constante en La Granja ha sido la inquietud por ir siempre más allá. Desde las primeras especialidades como la magdalena integral o sin azúcares añadidos, hasta responder a nuevas alternativas de consumo, con los productos con ingredientes ecológicos o con fruta y verdura, así como con líneas de productos ecológicos, veganos y sin gluten. Contamos con el certificado IFS 22 con un resultado High Level, ya son 8 años consecutivos consiguiendo la certificación IFS de manera anual.

Frequently Asked Questions
Ipsum occaecat vehicula pretium omnis commodi ab excepturi ex, ligula

What is the difference between "sugar-free" and "without added sugar"?

Food without added sugar are those that have been cooked or processed without any kind of sugar or syrup (either white or brown sugar, honey, syrup…), that is, that no food sweetener has been added to it.

A sugar-free food is one that does not have naturally present sugars.

In the case of sugar-free sponge cake with maltitol sweetener, gluten- and lactose-free, is free of added sugars and also of sugars that are naturally present in the product.

Are La Granja Foods gluten-free products safe and suitable for celiacs?

We have built a new factory to be able to prepare and bake all our products free of gluten, lactose and corn, and thus comply with all the health requisites to avoid cross-contamination with the rest of preparation at La Granja Foods, thus guaranteeing the consumer safety.

All our gluten-free products contain less than 20 ppm of gluten, a parameter that the current regulations establish as the limit for the food to be suitable and safe for celiacs and the gluten intolerant.

What is the IFS FOOD certification?

At La Granja Foods, we have the IFS 2023 certificate with a High Level result, and we have now obtained the IFS certification annually for 9 years.

IFS Food is a food safety standard recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) to audit companies which manufacture food. Also companies that handle and package bulk food products, concentrating on food quality and safety of the products processed.

Is La Granja Foods gluten-free line a recent line?

La Granja Foods gluten-free line is indeed our most recent line, after 6 years of research and investment, more than 1000 product tests and manufacturing at a new bakery. All this path has been worth it to achieve this major challenge, a personal and professional aim for the whole La Granja Foods family. 

This project arose through the precise specifications by the Celiac Association of Catalonia: A gluten, lactose and corn free product was required, with a different range to the one that existed on the market in order for the consumer to be yet another person and not special.


Do La Granja Foods gluten-free products contain lactose?

All the sponge cakes and fairy cakes in this line are lactose-free. As we explained in the previous question, this line arose from precise specifications by the Celiac Association of Catalonia, among these requests there was that for a gluten- and lactose-free product, so we set about producing it!

Traditional gluten, lactose and sugar-free sponge cake with maltitol sweetener
100% recyclable packaging
Following the philosophy of sustainability that characterizes our brand. All our packaging is 100% recyclable.
Solar panels
At La Granja Foods more than 40% of the electrical energy comes from solar energy, thanks to the installation of 249 400WP modules, where the total power that can be obtained is 99.6 KWP.
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